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Equal opportunities policy 

As stated by section 3.66 of the EYFS it is essential that I have an equal opportunities policy. Within my setting I will aim to promote equality of opportunity and ensure that anti-discriminatory practices are in place. I will make sure that I treat all children with equal concern and respect.




I recognise and welcome all legislation and existing codes of practice produced by appropriate commissions, for example the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


I value and respect each child’s religion, racial origin, culture and language so that each child is treated as an individual. I also will not discriminate against a child on the grounds of sexual orientation, disability, age, class or family status.


I will provide equal chance for each child to learn and develop to their full capacity. I will take into account the child’s age, ability, gender, language and stage of development.


I will provide and make sure all children have access to a diverse range of toys and books that demonstrate the diversity of the world that we live in.


I will challenge and racist or discriminatory remarks or attitudes that are made within my setting by any child or adult. I will strive to teach the children in my care why such attitudes are deemed inappropriate and teach them to be accepting of all diversities.


I will always make all children feel good about themselves and others by celebrating the differences that make us unique.



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