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Behaviour policy

As indicated by section 3.50 of the EYFS it is essential that I have a behaviour management policy. It is my aim that within my setting all children and parents are treated equally. I strive to provide a quality childcare service and for this reason I recognise that I need to set out reasonable and appropriate limits to manage the behaviour of children within my care. By providing a happy and safe environment my children will be able to develop social skills that will help them to become accepted and welcomed in society as the grow up.


I do not, and will not, administer or threaten any sort of physical punishment or any punishment that may cause harm or humiliation to the child (This is in line with sections 3.51 and 3.52 of the EYFS).


I focus on positive discipline and use this as a more effective way of setting boundaries for children.




I will keep up to date with behaviour management issues. I will attend relevant training and read any relevant publications that I deem appropriate.


All parents/carers will have access to my behaviour policy and will be required to sign to say they have read and understood the policy before their child start in my setting.


I will agree methods to manage children’s behaviour with their parents/carers before the child starts in my setting. These methods will be discussed during the initial visits and before a contract is signed to ensure that I can provide adequate care.


Wherever possible I try to meet the requests of the parents/carers so I can follow the same values and practices as they do at home. Any agreed methods will be recorded and signed. These will then be attached to the child’s records forms. These will be reviewed regularly and amended where necessary. I aim to work together with the parents to ensure there is a consistent approach in the way the child is cared for. Consistency is better for the child’s welfare and ensures that the child does not become confused.


I expect the parents/carers to inform me of any changes to the child’s home environment that may affect their behaviour. This may include a new baby, parent’s separation/divorce, new partner or bereavement. All issues will be kept confidential unless it is deemed to be a child protection issue.


I will arrange regularly meetings with the parents/carers to discuss the child’s care and any issues or concerns that may have arisen (this will preferably be done when the child is not present).


I will only physically intervene or possibly restrain a child to prevent an accident (eg a child running into the road) or if the child is going to cause an injury or damage. Any significant incidences will be recorded in the incident. These will then be discussed with the parents/carers at the earliest possible instance. We can then work together to manage any behavioural issues with the child concerned.


From time to time children will have difficulty is dealing with their emotions. I will recognise these emotions and work with the child to find constructive ways to learn to deal with them (I will do this in partnership with the child’s parents/carers). It is important to know that this is a normal part of a child’s development.


Distraction and re direction of activities will be methods used to deal with unwanted behaviour.


I aim to reward good behaviour as I feel that rewarding good behaviour is constructive and promotes this behaviour in future. I will also openly praise good behaviour to parents/carers at pick up, this is to encourage this behaviour to be repeated in future.


I will set realistic limits for children based on their age and stage of development. These will be reviewed regularly as the child grows.


I will work with children when setting limits and rules. I will ask their opinions on any rules they feel we should include. I will make this an inclusive activity that all children can get involved in. These rules will then be displayed and reviewed with the children regularly. I will ensure all children have an understanding of these rules and of what I expect of them.


I encourage responsibility of actions by talking to the children about their choices and possible consequences.


I aim to be firm and consistent so that children feel comfortable within the boundaries that I set for them.


I will help children to maintain their self-esteem by showing that I disapprove of their bad behaviour and not the child themselves.


If I have concerns about a child that are not being resolved I will asked for permission from the parents to discuss it with another childcare professional. I may contact the National childminding association, Health visitor or the local early years team (or another relevant advice service) for confidential advice.


Any concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information.


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