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Complaints procedure

As a childminder I aim to work in close partnership with parents/carers to meet the needs of their child.


However, if there is any aspect of my service you are not happy with please bring it to my attention. I will aim to resolve this with open discussion and understanding. You can put any complaint to me verbally or if you are uncomfortable doing this I am happy to receive them in writing or by email.


In accordance to the EYFS section 3.73 I will investigate all written complaints relating to the fulfillment of the EYFS requirements and notify the complainants of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days.


It is also a requirement of the EYFS (section 3.74) that I provide all parents with the contact details of OFSTED so they can make a complaint if the feel I am not meeting the EYFS requirements. These details are available on a poster on my notice board.


I will keep a written record of all complaints and their outcome for at least two years. And these will be made available to OFSTED upon their request (in accordance with EYFS section 3.73).


I will record the following:


  • The name of the person making the complaint

  • The date and time of the complaint

  • The EYFS requirement the complaint is about

  • The nature of the complaint

  • Any action taken in response to the complaint

  • The outcome of complaint

  • Any findings/information provided to the complainant during the investigation of the complaint





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